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Articles covering how to develop godly relationships

I’d really like to get married - would that be wise?

For some Christians facing same-sex temptations, they are strongly drawn to being married to someone of the opposite sex. This will be a wonderful thing for some to pursue but for others it will be unwise. This article seeks to share points of guidance for reflection, discussion and prayer.

Review: "Messy Journey" by Lori Wildenberg

This is very much a book for parents of children who have taken what the book calls an ‘unexpected detour’. The author, Lori, has 25 years’ experience working with parents and families and the focus of the book is on her relationship with her adopted daughter Courtney, who struggles with gender identity and same-sex attraction.

How can I support a Christian who experiences same-sex temptations?

God knits each of us together in a unique and individual way. In a fallen world, this means that a person’s experience of same-sex temptations will be – at least to some degree – unique to them. Inevitably, then, there is no ‘one size fits all’ approach to supporting people.

Review: "Satisfaction Guaranteed" by Jonathan Berry & Rob Wood

This book is aimed at helping same-sex attracted believers to hold on to a biblical, orthodox view of sexuality, and to walk that narrow way. The style of the book is easy, informal and conversational. It blends together relevant autobiography, popular culture references, good biblical exposition, accessible theological reflection, and wise, practical, pastoral counsel.

Accountability (Robert's experience)

Being in an accountability relationship has been a source of great blessing in my life and, therefore, writing an article on the topic is a positive step forward for me. I am aware, though, that this subject is not always one that is met by others with the enthusiasm I view it.

Where's the harm in a committed same-sex relationship?

It is tempting to see a loving, committed same-sex partnership as a godly relationship. However, the Bible is clear that a marriage is only the union of one man and one woman. The Bible lists no exceptions to this model regardless of the depth of the love, the quality of the relationship or the level of commitment.

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