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Articles covering issues of identity

Radical Inclusion (Donald's story)

TFT has done much in its 40 years to decrease stigma in the church, but we would all agree that there is further to go. In this article, Donald shares some positive experiences of being included by the church, to show what can be done when we aspire to inclusion.

Why I reject the Side A & Side B Terminology

I’ve never liked the idea that you can divide Christians into Side A and Side B. What is, however, more disconcerting is that more and more orthodox Christians, who hold to the Scriptures teaching on sexual morality, seem to be buying into this use of language. Well then, what’s the harm?

Can sexual orientation be changed?

Is becoming 'straight' a godly goal? For the Christian, exchanging one set of sexual temptations for another set is not really progress towards living a life that gives glory to God. Rather, God calls every Christian to behave within the sexual boundaries set out in the Bible. And God does not promise to take away our struggles.

Review: "Homosexuality and the Christian" by Mark A Yarhouse

In "Homosexuality and the Christian: A Guide for Parents, Pastors and Friends", Mark Yarhouse gives honest and accurate answers to parents, pastors and friends who have questions about homosexuality. He carefully develops a useful and clear three-tier distinction between "same-sex attraction", "homosexual orientation" and a "gay identity."

Review: "Satisfaction Guaranteed" by Jonathan Berry & Rob Wood

This book is aimed at helping same-sex attracted believers to hold on to a biblical, orthodox view of sexuality, and to walk that narrow way. The style of the book is easy, informal and conversational. It blends together relevant autobiography, popular culture references, good biblical exposition, accessible theological reflection, and wise, practical, pastoral counsel.

Growing in Grace

Although I'm not from a Christian background, I did grow up in a loving family. I listened intently to Gospel messages when I was 10 years old and started going to the church youth group, where I experienced God's love and started to grow in faith. My first memories of attraction and sexual feelings as a child were towards guys.

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